
阿尔伯马尔学院 and Beaufort County Community College Partner to Expand Student Opportunities

伊丽莎白市, NC — 阿尔伯马尔学院 (COA) is proud to announce new Instructional Service Agreements (ISAs) with Beaufort County Community College (BCCC), opening exciting educational and career pathways for students in both areas. ISAs allow students to take general education course requirements at their “home” college and then easily transfer to the partner college to complete program-specific courses. These partnerships enhance COA’s and BCCC’s commitment to providing diverse, high-quality educational opportunities that lead to successful careers.

“These new ISAs and our existing transfer agreements emphasize our commitment to student success and workforce development,”医生说。. 杰克·巴格韦尔,阿尔伯马尔学院院长. “As a regional education and 劳动力培训 provider in Northeastern North Carolina, our partnership with Beaufort County Community College enhances our ability to serve our communities. 通过与BCCC合作, 我们正在为学生扩大教育和就业机会, providing them with the education and skills necessary for ‘Better Skills. 更好的工作. 更好的未来.’ We are dedicated to equipping our students with the knowledge and experiences they need to thrive in their careers and contribute to the economic vitality of our region.”

Sandra Bates, COA航空系统技术专业毕业生


  • Boat Manufacture and Service – Boat Construction Diploma – Offered at BCCC
    专注于复杂的造船工艺, this diploma program offers hands-on training in boat construction techniques, 确保毕业生能够满足行业需求. To learn more about BCCC’s Boat Manufacture and Service – Boat Construction Diploma, visit http://catalog.beaufortccc.edu/preview_program.php?catoid = 1&poid = 36&区= 24.
  • 烹饪艺术文凭-在COA - Edenton-Chowan提供
    本课程为学生提供基本的烹饪技能, 为他们在餐饮服务行业的各种角色做好准备. The curriculum covers fundamental techniques, menu planning, and food safety standards​​. 要了解更多关于COA的烹饪艺术课程,请访问 xmloungehotel.com/culinary.
  • Aviation Systems Technology Associate of Applied Science (AAS) – Offered at COA - Currituck
    This comprehensive program trains students in the 维护 and repair of aviation systems, combining theoretical knowledge with practical experience to prepare for careers in the aviation industry​​. To learn more about COA’s Aviation Systems Technology program, visit xmloungehotel.com/aviation.
  • 空调, 加热, and Refrigeration (HVAC) Technology Diploma – Offered at COA -大胆 and COA - Edenton-Chowan
    This program provides specialized training in HVAC systems and prepares students for technical roles in the installation, 维护, 加热修复, 冷却, 制冷系统. 要了解更多关于COA的暖通空调项目,请访问 xmloungehotel.com/hvac.

“We are very pleased to accept qualified 阿尔伯马尔学院 (COA) students into our boat manufacture and service program and open new opportunities for our students with COA in areas such as aviation, 烹饪艺术, 暖气和空气,”医生说。. 戴夫·鲁普,博福特CCC总裁. “Our students are ambitious, and they want to work in positions that feel exciting and purposeful. We are happy to collaborate with COA to connect them to their chosen career aspirations.”

These agreements represent just a portion of the transfer and educational opportunities available to COA students. Our extensive network includes transfer agreements with institutions across North Carolina and beyond, 提供不同研究领域的途径:

  • 北卡罗来纳大学系统: COA学生可以转到多个校区, 包括阿巴拉契亚州, 东卡罗莱纳大学, 伊丽莎白市立大学, 教堂山北卡罗来纳大学, 和其他人, in disciplines ranging from Nursing and Engineering to Fine Arts and Early Childhood Education​​.
  • 北卡罗来纳独立学院:与巴顿学院等学院签订的协议, 贝尔蒙特修道院学院, and High Point University offer seamless transitions for COA graduates​​.
  • 区域合作伙伴:与中大西洋基督教大学合作, 老道明大学, and Virginia Wesleyan extend opportunities for students pursuing degrees in Nursing, 工商管理, 及医学化验学.



作为北卡罗来纳州东北部的一所地区社区大学, 阿尔伯马尔学院 fosters educational excellence and is the heart of the communities we proudly serve. 有着丰富而广阔的历史, COA提供可访问性, 为卡姆登的学生提供高质量的教育, Chowan, Currituck, Dare, Gates, Pasquotank和Perquimans县. 我们的四个校区, 战略位置遍及整个地区, 反映我们对学生成功的承诺. At COA, we empower individuals, transforming lives and shaping the future of our region. Discover your potential with 阿尔伯马尔学院, where education meets opportunity.


Beaufort County Community College is a comprehensive public community college located in Washington, N.C. 博福特CCC致力于提供高质量的教育, 劳动力培训, 为博福特居民提供终身学习的机会, Hyde, Tyrrell, 和华盛顿县. 学院提供广泛的副学士学位课程, 文凭, 以及各种学习领域的证书, ensuring that students are well-prepared for successful careers or further education. 通过博福特承诺奖学金, the college covers tuition and fees for all college credit courses and 50+ hour certification courses through the Division of 继续教育 for qualifying residents of its four-county service area.